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September 2023

SiFive - September 14, 2023

Arm IPO Underscores the Ongoing Compute Supercycle

SiFive congratulates Arm on its IPO, which represents a momentous step forward for the entire semiconductor ecosystem. This IPO has brought more awareness to the public about the critical role of computing architectures, specifically the instruction set architecture (ISA), and the need for high-quality, high-performance processor IP to drive our industry forward. Competition is essential for a healthy semiconductor industry, and we continue to hear from companies about the importance of having choice in the processor market, especially after the chip supply challenges of the last few years. Arm has helped focus a spotlight on the ISA and CPU IP, and is highlighting its criticality to the fastest growing areas of semiconductors, areas like datacenter and AI, automotive, consumer, and mobile.

Part of the excitement has been a new recognition of how big the market opportunities are, and there is room for all of us. These markets need rapid innovation and customization, which are consistent themes in our conversations with customers. It’s no secret that SiFive’s founders developed RISC-V as a response to the limited customization options of closed, proprietary architectures. We work with global technology leaders and SiFive’s high-performance IP is being designed into everything from aerospace applications to automotive, the datacenter, wearables, and beyond. While the semiconductor landscape has evolved considerably since then, what hasn’t changed is that companies want design flexibility and freedom: SiFive and RISC-V make that possible. After all, there are no limits with RISC-V.
