
SiFiveAug 30, 2024

SiFive 携手开阳电子进军高端车用 SoC 领域,推动 RISC-V 在汽车电子发展

美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2024 年 8 月 30 日 — SiFive, Inc. 宣布授权深圳开阳电子股份有限公司(以下简称开阳电子)取得 SiFive 车规等级的 RISC-V IP 内核,加速实现 RISC-V 在汽车电子的应用落地。开阳电子是一家在汽车行业耕耘多年的芯片公司,产品已被众多国内外汽车客户认证并量产使用。开阳电子将在高端车用 SoC 芯片中导入 SiFive 车规级别 IP,通过此次紧密合作,双方将共同推动 RISC-V 在车用电子领域的发展。

SiFive 在汽车应用领域有着长期的投入与深远的布局。SiFive Automotive 系列车规 RISC-V IP 已通过 ISO26262 和 ISO 21434 双重产品认证。其中包含 32 位元处理器 E6-A 系列与 64 位元 S7-AD 处理器系列。E6-A 系列分为适用于需要 ASIL B 硬件安全完整性的实时应用的 E6-AB 处理器;专为高级驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 和其他要求严格的关键安全应用而设计的 E6-AD 处理器;以及支持可配置的锁步与非锁步模式,在配置为锁步模式时支持 ASIL D 完整性等级的 E6-AS 处理器。64 位元 S7-AD 处理器支持关键安全功能应用,可满足客户对高性能功能安全,如区域控制器与功能安全岛等安全性和性能的特定需求。

SiFive 车用资深产品总监 Pete Lewin 表示:“ SiFive 早期就认识到汽车市场是对质量和安全性有着极高要求的市场,并组建了一支世界领先的汽车功能安全 (FuSa) 专家团队,以帮助客户迅速交付安全、可靠且经过认证的产品。SiFive 非常重视此次与开阳电子的合作,开阳电子拥有汽车行业的先进技术,多年来专注于汽车电子芯片领域,其汽车芯片产品已成功量产导入国内外知名车厂,此次的合作将有助于 RISC-V 在高端车用 MCU 芯片的发展。”


SiFiveAug 14, 2024

SiFive 宣布推出全新高性能 RISC-V 数据中心处理器,适用于高强度的 AI 工作负载

SiFive Performance P870-D 为数据中心、汽车和嵌入式系统带来高计算密度和可扩展性


SiFiveJun 25, 2024

SiFive 宣布推出第四代 Essential 系列产品,加速嵌入式应用创新浪潮

SiFive 的解决方案正被加速采用,目前市场上已有超过 20 亿颗基于 SiFive RISC-V 的芯片

德国慕尼黑 – 2024 年 6 月 25 日 – SiFive Inc. 作为 RISC-V 的行业标杆,今日在 2024 RISC-V 欧洲峰会上宣布 SiFive Essential 系列产品的重大升级。该系列产品历经十年开发,已应用在包括手机、传感器、SSD、FPGA 平台、监控摄像头、智能手表等数十亿个产品中。这次全系列升级带来更高的性能、改良的功率效率以及更灵活的接口,并提供多种配置和集成选项,几乎涵盖了所有可能性。SiFive 第四代 Essential 系列产品现已正式上市。

SiFive 产品资深副总裁 John Ronco 说:「SiFive 第四代 RISC-V 嵌入式解决方案的性能比前一代更胜一筹」「凭借着经济高效的灵活性、卓越的性能和低功耗的优势,RISC-V 已在嵌入式领域胜出。随着传统指令集架构 (ISA) 研发和支持的降低,我们正持续扩大 SiFive 市场领先的基本产品组合,并重申我们对这些关键创新领域客户的承诺和支持。」

SiFive 在嵌入式应用领域发展有强劲的动力,第四代 Essential系列产品将为客户提供更强的灵活性和功能,使其能更好地定制设计。截至目前为止,已有超过 20 亿颗基于 SiFive RISC-V 的嵌入式设备芯片出货,且市场仍快速增长中。

SHD Group 首席分析师 Rich Wawrzyniak 指出:「2024 年嵌入式领域拥有巨大的市场机会,预计到 2030 年将以 8.3% 的年复合增长率成长至 2,570 亿美元。RISC-V 和 SiFive 已获得越来越多的动力,并正从其他 ISA 中抢下市场份额。SiFive 除了推出这些客户所需的产品,同时也在高性能和先进人工智能方面进行创新。」「嵌入式产品的重要性是不容低估的。因为 RISC-V 的灵活性和软件可移植性使得设计具有多核(包括最高性能核)的产品变得更容易,这同时也为 RISC-V 进入下一代高性能芯片奠定了基础。」

第四代 Essential IP 产品组合特性:

  • 最广泛的 RISC-V CPU 和系统 IP 产品组合
  • 最高可减少 40% 的运行功耗
  • 8 种不同的嵌入式 32 位和 64 位核心
  • 从 2 级流水单发射到 8 级流水超标量
  • 改进的 L2 缓存和增强的 L1 缓存
  • 丰富的配置和集成选项
    • CPU 类型配置和选项
    • 片上内存选择
    • 系统外设和前端接口
  • 先进的电源管理和安全性
  • 调试和追踪
  • 领先的软件支持,包括嵌入式 Linux、FreeRTOS、Eclipse C/C++/IDE

SiFiveJun 17, 2024

Media Alert: SiFive to Exhibit and Keynote at RISC-V Summit Europe

WHAT: SiFive (a gold sponsor) will be exhibiting at RISC-V Summit Europe from June 25-27, 2024 in Munich. At its booth, SiFive will be showing off its latest products, including SiFive’s new state-of-the-art RISC-V development board, the HiFive™ Premier P550. The highest performance RISC-V development board on the market, the HiFive Premier P550 offers developers unmatched flexibility and performance.

SiFive will also be giving three talks throughout the event, including a keynote from SiFive’s Krste Asanović discussing the incredible momentum of the RISC-V ecosystem across verticals. Additionally, SiFive will be sharing details on its newest Essential products, which are designed to optimize power and performance in a range of devices.


SiFiveApr 17, 2024

SiFive 加入甲辰计划,共创 RISC-V 生态繁荣

甲辰计划 (RISC-V Prosperity 2036) 是由 ASE 实验室、PLCT 实验室和算能 (Sophgo) 联合发起,旨在促进 RISC-V 于 12 年内实现从数据中心到桌面办公、从移动穿戴到智能物联网全信息产业覆盖的开放标准体系及开源系统软件栈,同时推进 RISC-V 软硬件生态的成熟度达到或超过其它主流架构。


SiFiveApr 9, 2024

SiFive 宣布推出首款商用 RISC-V 乱序执行开发板 HiFive Premier P550

HiFive Premier P550 是市面上性能最高的 RISC-V 开发板,为开发者提供无与伦比的灵活度和性能


SiFiveMar 13, 2024

庆祝 SiFive 在台营运五周年:展望 RISC-V 技术未来

RISC-V 的发明者与领导厂商 SiFive, Inc. 庆祝在台营运五周年,目前台湾有超过百位研发工程师,展现出强大的研发能力。台湾团队不仅在全球产品创新中扮演关键角色,更为全球客户提供完整的售前及售后服务,其中也包括多家台湾科技大厂。


SiFiveNov 1, 2023

SiFive携手算能,加速 RISC‑V 高性能人工智能计算创新之旅

多集群多核心 SiFive P670 和 X280 助力高性能人工智能应用开放标准平台

美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2023 年 11 月 1 日 – SiFive 与算能(Sophgo)近日于中关村集成电路设计园(IC PARK)举行的开源项目SG2380 Kick off Day 中宣布合作,SiFive 已授权算能使用 SiFive RISC-V 处理器核心 P670X280,共同打造基于 RISC-V 的高性能人工智能计算处理器。

根据算能已公开之信息,Sophgo SG2380 是一款即将推出的 2.5 GHz 16 核 RISC-V 处理器,采用多集群多核心配置的 SiFive Performance P670,具备高性能、RISC-V Vector 向量计算的优势,并采用 SiFive Intelligence X280、及独到的向量协同处理器接口扩展(VCIX),整合算能自研的AI/ML硬件设计,同时获得 RISC-V 完整的软件工具链支持以将其升级为协处理器,瞄准人工智能、机器学习、与各种先进的计算需求。

P670 结合 RISC-V 独特指令集架构优势,并由 SiFive 团队赋予先进的微架构设计与实现,擁有高计算密度及向量计算的优势。算能亦采用了已有众多成功案例的 X280,使用 VCIX 作为NPU 的搭配,是為此合作上兩家公司强强组合的亮点。

SiFive P670 是目前市场上可取得高性能、规格完整的 RISC-V 商业级处理器 IP(SpecINT2k6 超过 13/GHz)。SiFive 提供多集群多核心、符合 RVA22 的 P670,支持最新的 RISC-V 规范与操作系统,并有最佳算力及功耗。SiFive X280 于人工智能应用上的灵活性与扩展性,可配置多核多集群,已有众多成功芯片实例。开发工具与软件支持最新的 OpenXLA 框架,符合人工智能的市场需求及未来应用趋势。

在 RISC-V 迅速发展的中国市场,SiFive 与算能的深化合作,将进一步带动全球 RISC-V 生态系协作,提供最新应用完整配套,加速 RISC-V 于AI/ML 领域应用的成长动能。


SiFiveOct 11, 2023

SiFive 宣布推出针对生成式 AI/ML 应用的差异化解决方案,引领 RISC-V 进入高性能创新时代

P870 和 X390 全新登场:适用于基础设施、消费电子和汽车应用领域的高性能计算

美国加州圣克拉拉,2023 年10 月11 日– RISC-V 运算的先驱和领导厂商 SiFive, Inc. 今天宣布推出两款新产品,旨在满足高性能运算的最新需求。SiFive Performance™ P870 和 SiFive Intelligence™ X390 提供最新水准的低功耗、运算密度和矢量运算能力,三者结合起来将为日益增长的资料密集型运算提供必要的性能提升。这些新产品共同创建了标量和矢量运算的强大组合,可满足现今数据流和运算密集型人工智能应用于消费性、车用和基础设施市场的需求。

在圣克拉拉举行的现场新闻和分析师活动上,SiFive 同时也宣布了目前几条产品线出货至全球的最新资讯。公司高层也深入解释了 SiFive 的产品路线图,以及随着新的应用需求、基于 RISC-V 的高性能运算解决方案之优势和整个 RISC-V 生态系如何继续快速扩展。

“SiFive 正引领产业进入高性能 RISC-V 创新的新时代,透过我们无与伦比的产品组合来缩小与其他指令集架构的差距,而近期的流片也展示了 SiFive RISC-V 解决方案的巨大优势。” SiFive 董事长、总裁兼首席执行官 Patrick Little 说道:“正如 Arm IPO 所示,许多产业对半导体的需求正在快速增长,特别是用在消费性和基础设施市场的处理器。SiFive RISC-V 解决方案的灵活度与弹性,使我们能够满足这些细分市场的独特运算需求,并利用生成式 AI 的发展势头 (SiFive 已看到两位数的 Design Win) 及其他前沿的应用。”


SiFiveAug 17, 2023


WHAT: SiFive will be onsite at the RISC-V Summit China, scheduled for Aug. 23 – 25, 2023 in Beijing. Hosted in partnership with RISC-V International and the Beijing Institute of Open Source Chip (BOSC), SiFive will deliver two keynotes on the future of RISC-V and the latest on SiFive’s high-performance RISC-V processors. SiFive will also host a series of technical sessions focused on RISC-V vectors, ML compilers, hibernation, and more.

At the event, SiFive experts can speak to the company’s broad Core IP portfolio, spanning from high-performance application processors to area-optimized, low-power embedded 64- and 32-bit microcontrollers, to vector processors designed for modern compute requirements and artificial intelligence (AI), and optimized for the specific needs of the automotive industry.

At RISC-V Summit China, global innovators will share technical and business innovation around RISC-V. The summit features a multi-track conference, tutorials, exhibitions and poster sessions. There will be real-time Chinese to English translations for in-person and virtual attendees.

In-person and virtual attendees are encouraged to check out SiFive’s speaking sessions:

Wednesday, 23 August: • 15:20: KEYNOTE: The RISC-V Future is Unlimited: China’s Role with Yunsup Lee • 17:00: KEYNOTE: It Just Keeps Getting Better: RISC-V Processor Performance with Jack Kang

Friday, 25 August: • 09:50: The Story of Getting RISC-V Vector in Linux with Andy Chiu and Zong Li • 14:10: Discovering the RVV C Intrinsics v1.0 with Eop Chen and Kito Cheng • 14:30: Software Components and Methodology for Designing and Optimizing RISC-V ML Compilers – A 3-Year Lesson of Collaboration With OpenXLA with Hong-Rong Hsu and Pen Li • 16:40: Accelerating the Migration from Arm Neon to RISC-V Vectors with Han-Kuan Chen

WHO: SiFive


SiFiveMay 24, 2023

SiFive Gives WorldGuard to RISC-V International to Make this Robust Security Model More Accessible to the RISC-V Community

The open WorldGuard model provides a system-level approach to securing RISC-V designs

Santa Clara, Calif., May 24, 2023 – SiFive, Inc., the pioneer and leader of RISC-V computing, today announced the company is giving the WorldGuard security model to RISC-V International, providing the RISC-V community with a uniform way to secure their designs and bring them to market faster. RISC-V International is the non-profit home of the open standard RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), related specifications, and stakeholder community which has more than 3,570 RISC-V members across 70 countries.

WorldGuard makes it easy for developers to enable a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on RISC-V platforms. As a hardware-enhanced software isolation solution, WorldGuard provides protection against improper access to memory or devices by software applications and other bus initiators (such as DMAs). Designers can quickly create domains, also known as “worlds,” for isolated code execution and data protection. WorldGuard doesn't break the RISC-V ISA and doesn't require new instructions to be used. It simply adds secure metadata to the transactions issued by the various bus initiators and checks permissions against an Access Control List (ACL) at the destination, whether it's memory or a peripheral. The isolation is based on multiple levels of privilege for each world, offering robust SoC-level information control.

“Robust security is fundamental to every silicon design, but many of the latest security solutions are out of reach for developers,” said Dany Nativel, Senior Director, Product Marketing at SiFive. “From the start, our WorldGuard security model was open and freely accessible for developers to secure their designs at a system level. By donating WorldGuard to RISC-V International, we hope that even more developers will take advantage of it so the entire RISC-V ecosystem can benefit.”

WorldGuard provides an open, system-level approach to securing access to system resources (memory and peripherals) by software applications. This approach is ideal for creating multiple trusted environments, enabling a Trusted Computing Base (TCB) where the highest level of trust is limited to the secure ROM boot, the Machine-mode firmware, the secure applications, and the Operating Systems (OSs) that implement them. This base of trust is also referred to as the “Trusted Agent.”

“One of the biggest advantages of RISC-V is the active community that is committed to sharing resources and collaborating. Instead of having to reinvent the wheel, developers can use open tools like WorldGuard to ensure their products are secure and speed up time-to-market,” said Calista Redmond, CEO of RISC-V International. “We appreciate SiFive’s donation of WorldGuard as we all work together to secure the future of RISC-V innovation.”

Ongoing development of WorldGuard will now be managed by RISC-V International. SiFive will continue to contribute its expertise and resources.

About SiFive As the pioneers who introduced RISC-V to the world, SiFive is transforming the future of compute by bringing the limitless potential of RISC-V to the highest performance and most data-intensive applications in the world. SiFive’s unrivaled compute platforms have enabled leading technology companies around the world to innovate, optimize and deliver the most advanced solutions of tomorrow across every market segment of chip design, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, automotive, data center, mobile, and consumer. With SiFive, the future of RISC-V has no limits. For more information, please visit

Media Contacts Allison DeLeo Racepoint Global for SiFive Tel.: +1(415) 694-6711


SiFiveDec 13, 2022

SiFive Delivers Record Growth in 2022 with Fast-Growing Roster of New Customers and Products

Highlights leadership in RISC-V and proven performance and power density benefits

San Jose, Calif., Dec. 13, 2022 – At the RISC-V Summit today, SiFive, Inc., the founder and leader of RISC-V computing, celebrated its impressive year of growth and technical achievements. In 2022 SiFive announced collaborations with some of the world’s largest chip companies and hyperscale datacenters, as the company has been laser-focused on expanding growth. Today SiFive has design wins with more than 100 customers, including 8 of the top 10 semiconductor companies, in applications including automotive, AR/VR, client computing, datacenter, and the intelligent edge. This year the company rolled out new products for a range of fast-growing and high-volume markets, including a comprehensive automotive portfolio, and expanded its presence globally. This momentum was recognized last week when SiFive was awarded the prestigious 2022 Most Respected Private Semiconductor Company Award by the Global Semiconductor Alliance GSA.

“This was a standout year for SiFive, as we collaborated with some of the biggest companies on the planet to tackle their unmet needs, shifted our portfolio and revenues from embedded to high performance RISC-V products that are shaking up the industry, and expanded our global footprint,” said Patrick Little, CEO and Chairman at SiFive. “With the fast-paced growth of SiFive and rapidly increasing demand for our products, and the overall growth of the RISC-V ecosystem, as we’ve said before, the future of RISC-V ‘has no limits’ as we take the company to new heights.”

SiFive has made incredible technical progress over the last year, rolling out several products with unparalleled compute performance and efficiency. The new SiFive Performance™ P670 and P470 RISC-V processors raise the bar for innovative designs in high volume applications like wearables, smart home, industrial automation, AR/VR, and other consumer devices. The company introduced its SiFive Automotive™ E6-A, X280-A, and S7-A solutions to address critical needs for current and future applications like infotainment, cockpit, connectivity, ADAS, and electrification. Plus, SiFive enhanced its popular SiFive Intelligence™ X280 processor IP to meet the accelerated demand for vector processing, especially for AI and ML applications.

The company has continued to deepen its collaborations and partnerships as it works to transform the future of compute and define what comes next. Through partnership with Microchip, SiFive is a part of NASA’s next generation High-Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC) processor, which delivers a 100x increase in computational capability to help propel next-generation planetary and surface missions. Additionally, the X280 processor with the new SiFive Vector Coprocessor Interface Extension (VCIX) is being used as the AI Compute Host to provide flexible programming in a leading datacenter. SiFive also announced its work with companies including BrainChip, Kinara (Deep Vision), Synopsys, and ProvenRun, as well as a broad set of OS, Software Tools, and EDA ecosystem processors for the SiFive Automotive Family of processors

Another big milestone for SiFive is the company’s partnership with Intel to spark innovation in high-performance RISC-V platforms. SiFive is supporting Intel Foundry Services (IFS) Innovation Fund’s goal to build innovative new multi-ISA computing platforms including RISC-V platforms optimized for Intel process technology. The IFS Innovation fund will support the creation of disruptive technologies to address modern computing challenges, with the Intel-SiFive collaboration aiming to extend the RISC-V ecosystem. At the show, the companies unveiled more details about the HiFive Pro P550 Development System (code named Horse Creek); this high-performance development system will enable the RISC-V ecosystem to productively create software when it is commercially available later in 2023. Patrick Little and Bob Brennan of Intel show off the new Hi-Five Pro P550 development board

SiFive’s stellar growth, technical achievements, and partnerships have been recognized by prestigious organizations. In addition to the recent GSA Awards recognition, SiFive was awarded a 2022 TSMC Open Innovation Platform® (OIP) Partner of the Year award. Additionally, SiFive ranked in the top 10 percent of Inc.’s fastest growing private companies in America list.

To meet the strong customer demand for SiFive’s innovative RISC-V IP, SiFive has expanded its headcount to more than 550 employees and has opened new offices around the world, including a Research & Development (R&D) Center in Cambridge, United Kingdom, a design center in Bangalore, India, and a new office in Hyderabad, India..

At the RISC-V Summit, taking place from Dec. 12-15 in San Jose, Calif. and virtually, SiFive is presenting in more than 10 sessions, including a keynote on Dec. 13 at 10:35 a.m. PT with SiFive’s CEO Patrick Little: “RISC-V Spotlight: Delivering on Real-World Customer Challenges.” To learn more about SiFive’s business, stop by the SiFive booth in the RISC-V Summit Expo Hall.

About SiFive As the pioneers who introduced RISC-V to the world, SiFive is transforming the future of compute by bringing the limitless potential of RISC-V to the highest performance and most data-intensive applications in the world. SiFive’s unrivaled compute platforms have enabled leading technology companies around the world to innovate, optimize and deliver the most advanced solutions of tomorrow across every market segment of chip design, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, automotive, data center, mobile, and consumer. With SiFive, the future of RISC-V has no limits. For more information, please visit

Stay current with the latest SiFive updates via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.


SiFiveNov 2, 2022

SiFive Awarded TSMC Open Innovation Platform Partner of the Year

Santa Clara, Calif., November 3, 2022 - SiFive, Inc. the founder and leader of RISC-V computing, today announced it has received the 2022 TSMC Open Innovation Platform® (OIP) Partner of the Year award, in the Emerging IP Company category. Dr. L.C Lu, TSMC fellow and vice president of design and technology platform, presented the distinguished award to SiFive executives at the recent TSMC 2022 OIP Ecosystem Forum in Santa Clara, CA. The recognition reflects the ongoing innovation and collaboration between the two companies that is furthering the momentum of RISC-V.

The Partner of the Year award honors TSMC OIP ecosystem partners' pursuit of excellence in next-generation silicon enablement over the past year.

“OIP Partner of the Year award-winning companies work relentlessly to achieve the highest standards of design, development, and technology implementation to accelerate silicon innovation,” said Dan Kochpatcharin, Head of Design Infrastructure Management Division at TSMC. “SiFive’s partnership with TSMC and leadership in the RISC-V architecture enable our mutual customers to achieve next-generation design innovation for key spaces, such as HPC, mobile, and automotive.”

“The global SiFive team is honored to be recognized with this prestigious TSMC award for our partnership, RISC-V leadership, and continued innovation,” said Yunsup Lee, Co-founder and CTO. “This award reflects the importance both companies place on our long-term innovation partnership and the great work by teams in both companies. SiFive offers leading power and area efficiencies in a modern architecture supported by the global RISC- V ecosystem, and working with TSMC we are able to do so on the most advanced process nodes and together help proliferate RISC-V.”


SiFiveNov 1, 2022

SiFive’s New High-Performance Processors Offer a Significant Upgrade for Wearable and Consumer Products

Next generation P670 and P470 RISC-V Processors bring ultimate flexibility and balance of performance and efficiency for next-generation wearables and smart consumer devices

Santa Clara, Calif., November 1, 2022 - SiFive, Inc. the founder and leader of RISC-V computing, today announced two new products that address the need for high performance and efficiency in a small size in high volume applications like wearables, smart home, industrial automation, AR/VR, and other consumer devices. The SiFive Performance™ P670 and P470 RISC-V processors bring unparalleled compute performance and efficiency that is significantly raising the bar for innovative designs in these high-volume markets. The modern and innovative SiFive design methodologies bring raw compute density that is a substantial advantage for SiFive Performance products and also translates into significant cost savings for customers.

“The P670 and P470 are specifically designed for, and capable of handling the most demanding workloads for wearables and other advanced consumer applications. These new products offer powerful performance and compute density for companies looking to upgrade from legacy ISAs,” said Chris Jones, SiFive VP of Product. “We have optimized these new RISC-V Vector enabled products to deliver the performance and efficiency improvements the industry has long been asking for, and we are in evaluations with a number of top-tier customers. Additionally, as the upstream enablement of RISC-V has started within the Android Open Source Project, (AOSP), designers will have unrivaled choice and flexibility as they consider the positive implications with that platform for future designs.”

"We are excited to see RISC-V solutions for wearable and consumer devices becoming a reality, and we are looking at possibilities of integrating SiFive’s latest products into Snapdragon platforms,” said Ziad Asghar, Vice President, Product Management- Snapdragon Technologies and Roadmap at Qualcomm.

"Samsung’s System LSI Business holds a wide portfolio of solutions for various applications, such as mobile, wearables and other consumer devices. We look forward to evaluating how the latest RISC-V innovations from SiFive can enhance our offerings,” said Jinpyo Park, VP of the Innovative AP Development Team, Samsung Electronics System LSI Business.

“SiFive continues to be a market leader in the growing and maturing RISC-V space and again shows its leadership with its new SiFive Performance P670 and P470 RISC-V processors,” said Todd R. Weiss, an analyst with Futurum Research. “These latest and powerful new processors give SiFive feature and performance advantages that will gain plenty of attention from device makers and consumers who want more from their devices. SiFive has been growing its reputation for some time and is truly ready to shake up the marketplace.”


The SiFive Performance P470 and P670 products offer a finely-tuned combination of compute-density, power efficiency, and robust feature sets ideal for a wide range of applications and markets:

• Support for virtualization, including a separate IOMMU for accelerating virtualized device IO

• Full, Out-of-Order, RISC-V Vector implementation, based on the ratified RISC-V Vector v1.0 Specification

• First to market with the RISC-V Vector Cryptography extensions

• SiFive WorldGuard system security

• Full RISC-V RVA22 profile compliance

• New, Advanced Interrupt Architecture (AIA) compliant interrupt controller, with better support for Message Signal Interrupts (MSI) and virtualization

• Enhanced scalability with fully coherent multi-core, multi-cluster, with support for up to 16 cores

SiFive Performance P670

The P670 is ideal for applications like premium wearables, networking, robotics, and mobile. The P650, which excludes the vector unit, is already shipping to lead customers and is being used in applications that do not require the additional capabilities that vector compute offers or are more area constrained.

The feature rich P670:

• achieves a maximum frequency exceeding 3.4GHz in 5nm,

• has performance of greater than 12 SpecINT2k6/GHz, offering optimized performance in a constrained area and power envelope,

• offers higher single threaded performance and 2x compute density compared to legacy solutions, and

• includes a 2x 128-bit Vector ALUs compliant with the ratified RISC-V Vector v1.0 specification

SiFive Performance P470

The P470 is SiFive’s first efficiency-focused Out-of-Order, area optimized, vector processor, ideal for applications like wearables, consumer, and smart home devices. Expanding on the proven P500-Series, the P470 is significantly smaller than competing solutions and optimized to have best-in-class performance efficiency and area density. The P470 was designed to also serve as a companion to the P670 processor for demanding applications that require a sharing of compute resources while optimizing power consumption.

The P470 offers a significant upgrade to legacy efficiency cores, achieving a maximum frequency exceeding 3.4GHz in 5nm, and greater than 8 SpecINT2k6/GHz, within a minimal area and power envelope.

Other P470 features include:

• 4x compute density in comparison to leading competitor

• Includes 1x 128-bit RISC-V Vector ALU compliant with the ratified RISC-V Vector v1.0 specification

SiFive will also release the P450 – an area-optimized version of the P470 that excludes the Vector Unit.

A presentation highlighting the benefits of the new products will be made at the Linley Fall Microprocessor Conference later today.

For more information on SiFive’s market-leading RISC-V IP portfolio, please visit


SiFiveOct 25, 2022

SiFive and Synopsys Collaborate to Accelerate SoC Design

New Synopsys Fusion QuickStart Implementation Kits Deliver Enhanced Power, Performance and Area for SiFive RISC-V Processors

SANTA CLARA, Calif. and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., October 25, 2022 – SiFive and Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) today announced their new collaboration to accelerate the design and verification of SiFive RISC-V processor-based SoCs. The collaboration provides mutual customers with Synopsys Fusion QuickStart Implementation Kits (QIKs) that optimize the power, performance and area (PPA) of SiFive’s Intelligence™ X280 and Performance™ P550 processor cores. Synopsys Fusion QIKs for SiFive processors leverage the Synopsys Fusion Compiler™ RTL-to-GDSII product and Synopsys Design Space Optimization (™), which autonomously explores multiple design spaces to enhance PPA metrics. By using the implementation scripts and reference guides included in the QIKs, designers can accelerate the development of their SiFive processor-based SoCs.

“As we push the performance of application-specific processors, our collaboration with Synopsys enables us to deliver higher quality, PPA-optimized RISC-V solutions that meet and beat our customers’ compute goals,” said Yunsup Lee, co-founder and CTO at SiFive. “Synopsys has early access to SiFive’s processors under development, enabling the companies co-optimize the processors and Synopsys’ tools. This collaboration delivers Synopsys Fusion QIKs for mutual customers to quickly achieve their challenging design targets for their specific application requirements. We look to extend our collaboration to include verification flows, as well as Foundation and Interface IP.”

“The trend towards application-specific silicon is helping to address the intensive compute demands of advanced high-performance systems,” Sanjay Bali, vice president of Marketing and Strategy for the EDA Group at Synopsys. “Our collaboration with SiFive to provide Synopsys Fusion QIKs enables designers to achieve the optimal quality-of-results for their custom RISC-V-based SoCs.”

Fusion QIKs for SiFive X280 and P550 processors are available for download today through Synopsys SolvNetPlus.

Collaborating to Achieve Design Targets Quickly and Confidently In addition to the Fusion QIKs, SoC designers using SiFive RISC-V processors can take advantage of key Synopsys technologies, including: • The Synopsys Digital Design Family, which provides a framework to achieve optimum PPA across all leading technology processes via a shared engine for implementation, test and signoff of power-optimized architectures for SiFive cores. • The family also includes Synopsys Silicon Lifecycle Management Family optimization software, which enables SiFive users to quickly find the best configurations of their software stack to maximize performance of SiFive cores. • The Synopsys Verification Family, which speeds software development, verification throughput and time-to-market for SiFive based designs, including virtual prototyping with models of SiFive’s cores, simulation, formal verification, hardware and software debug, emulation, FPGA prototyping and verification IP. • The silicon-proven Synopsys Interface IP products for the most widely used protocols, which deliver the required low latency, high performance, power efficiency and security for data-intensive systems implementing the latest SiFive processor cores.


SiFiveSep 27, 2022

SiFive and ProvenRun Collaborate to deliver Best-in-Class Security for RISC-V Microprocessors

Paris, France, September 27, 2022 – ProvenRun, a global leader in embedded security, today announced the availability of its flagship secure OS / TEE product called ProvenCore, integrated with SiFive® WorldGuard technology, providing powerful SoC-level mechanism for software isolation.

Modern microprocessor SoCs are designed to reduce cost by housing all functionality in a single device. This race for more features, which inevitably increases the size of the code and introduces pieces of code from multiple origins, can lead to security risks when one vulnerable piece of code can affect another, intentionally or not. Add to this the significant increase in the device's interactions with the environment, which greatly increases the attack surface, and it makes sense to develop solutions that can guarantee that the failure of one part of the software does not affect the correct and complete functioning of other software running on the same platform.

SiFive is the leading provider of market-ready processor core IP based on the open RISC-V instruction set architecture. As part of their open platform secure architecture called SiFive Shield, SiFive offers the SiFive WorldGuard solution to enable Trusted Execution Environment on its RISC-V platforms. SiFive WorldGuard is a hardware-enhanced software isolation solution that provides protection against improper access to memory or devices by software applications and other initiators (such as DMAs). WorldGuard enables designers to create domains, also known as “worlds,” for isolated code execution and data protection. The isolation is based on multiple levels of privilege for each world, to offer SoC-level information control.

The WorldGuard solution provides a system-level approach to securing access to system resources (memory, peripherals) by software applications. This approach is ideal for creating a trusted environment, enabling a Trusted Computing Base (TCB) where the highest level of trust is limited to the secure ROM boot, the Machine-mode firmware, the secure applications, and the OperatingSystems (OSs) that implement them. This base of trust is also referred to as the “Trusted Agent.”

ProvenCore is a secure OS developed by ProvenRun using deductive formal method, to guarantee security properties such as integrity, confidentiality, correctness, and isolation in order to get as close as possible to zero defect, leaving almost no attack surface for hackers. ProvenCore is resilient against the most sophisticated attacks and has received a Common Criteria EAL7 certification. It is a key component for being able to develop security services with a high security assurance level in a cost-effective way. These security services include key services for establishing a Root of Trust (key management service (secure storage), cryptographic operation services, TRNG) but can also address advanced use cases such as Secure Firmware Update, Runtime Integrity Monitoring, Trusted UI, and more.

Using ProvenCore as a “trusted agent” in a WorldGuard configuration achieves best-in-class security for RISC-V architectures, for a scalable and flexible solution with a well-identified and auditable TCB that will meet all security requirements, up to the highest. The implementation of ProvenCore with SiFive WorldGuard can be done by dedicating a core for security, or by isolating two software domains using the same core. The latter is referred to as Trusted Execution Environment, where ProvenCore will coexist with a Rich environment on the same core. A secure monitor will ensure the coordination between the two environments while maintaining the isolation.

“Combining ProvenRun ProvenCore software and SiFive WorldGuard hardware is the best way to address system-level hardware and software isolation with a certifiable solution,” said Chris Jones, VP Products at SiFive.

ProvenRun also offers a variety of services to help device makers securing products for their entire life cycle: • Consulting services such as risk analysis, security architecture definition, certification support, and secure provisioning • Engineering services such as secure boot implementation and security applications development (cryptographic operation, key management, secure firmware update…)

ABOUT PROVENRUN ProvenRun’s mission is to provide customers with the Trusted Products and Services that will help them Embed Security within their infrastructure of connected devices wherever this is required, at the chip, device, edge or cloud levels. With our security consulting services and secure-by-design off-the-shelf product solutions, we resolve the security challenges arising from the IoT revolution while dramatically improving the protection against remote cyberattacks. For more information,


SiFiveSep 13, 2022

SiFive Rolls Out Powerful New RISC-V Portfolio to Address Unmet Performance and Feature Needs of Rapidly Evolving Next-Gen Digital Automobiles

SiFive introduces Automotive E6-A, X280-A, and S7-A products and long-term roadmap


SiFiveSep 6, 2022

NASA Makes RISC-V the Go-to Ecosystem for Future Space Missions

SiFive X280 delivers 100x increase in computational capability with leading power efficiency, fault tolerance, and compute flexibility to propel next-generation planetary and surface missions

San Mateo, Calif., September 6, 2022 - SiFive, Inc., the founder and leader of RISC-V computing, today announced it is providing the core CPU for NASA’s next generation High-Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC) processor. HPSC is expected to be used in virtually every future space mission, from planetary exploration to lunar and Mars surface missions. HPSC will utilize a multiple SiFive® Intelligence™ X280 RISC-V vector core, with additional SiFive RISC-V cores, to deliver 100x the computational capability of today’s space computers. This massive increase in computing performance will help usher in new possibilities for a variety of mission elements such as autonomous rovers, vision processing, space flight, guidance systems, communications, and other applications.

“As the leading RISC-V, U.S. based, semiconductor company we are very proud to be chosen as part of the most mission critical applications for the World's premier world space agency,” said Jack Kang, SVP Business Development, SiFive. “The X280 demonstrates orders of magnitude performance gains over competing processor technology and our SiFive RISC-V IP allows NASA to take advantage of the support, flexibility, and long-term viability of the fast-growing global RISC-V ecosystem. We’ve always said that with SiFive the future has no limits, and we’re excited to see the impact of our innovations extend well beyond our planet.”

The SiFive X280 is a multi-core capable RISC-V processor with vector extensions and SiFive Intelligence Extensions and is optimized for AI/ML compute at the edge. The X280 is ideal for applications requiring high-throughput, single-thread performance while under significant power constraints. The X280 has demonstrated a 100x increase in compute capabilities compared to today’s space computers. In scientific and space workloads, the X280 provides several orders of magnitude improvement compared to competitive CPU solutions.

The open and collaborative nature of RISC-V will allow the broad academic and scientific software development community to contribute and develop scientific applications and algorithms, as well optimizing the many math functions, filters, transforms, neural net libraries, and other software libraries, as part of a robust and long-term software ecosystem.

The HPSC processor and X280 compute subsystem is expected to be useful to other government agencies in a variety of applications including industrial automation, edge computing, ratification intelligence, and aerospace applications.

For more information on SiFive’s market-leading RISC-V IP portfolio and how it is well-suited for Aerospace and Defense applications, please visit


SiFiveJun 28, 2022

SiFive Expands Global Operations, Opens UK R&D Center in Cambridge

Leading RISC-V innovator investing in people, community, and Cambridge, with plans to hire more than 100 within two years


SiFiveJun 21, 2022

SiFive Enhances Popular X280 Processor IP to Meet Accelerated Demand for Vector Processing

Leading performance for AI inference, Image Processing, and Datacenter applications driving double-digit design wins


BrainChipApr 5, 2022

BrainChip and SiFive partner to deploy AI/ML technology at the edge

BrainChip’s AkidaTM is a revolutionary advanced neural networking processor architecture that brings AI to the edge in a way that existing technologies are not capable, with high performance, ultra-low power, and on-chip learning. SiFive Intelligence™ solutions with their highly configurable multi-core, multi-cluster capable design, integrate software and hardware to accelerate AI/ML applications. The integration of BrainChip’s Akida technology and SiFive’s multi-core capable RISC-V processors will provide a highly efficient solution for integrated edge AI compute.

SiFiveMar 16, 2022

SiFive Leadership in RISC-V Powers $2.5B+ Company Valuation

$175M Series F Investment Led by Coatue Validates Relentless Pursuit of Processor Innovation


SiFiveFeb 7, 2022

SiFive Partners with Intel to Spark Innovation in High-Performance RISC-V Platforms

Intel Innovation Fund Combines with SiFive RISC-V Leadership, IP, and Experience to Enable Custom SoC Design


ElectropagesJan 31, 2022

SiFive and Solid Sands are helping to lead the RISC-V revolution

SiFive is creating a new infrastructure to support accelerated ASIC and FPGA design flows, IP delivery, and SoC development. These new developments comprise state-of-the-art compiler algorithms, novel build system integration, and new Verilog RTL generation techniques. It needed a powerful compiler test and verification tool, not only to verify the functionality of its current compiler offering, but also to assist in developing its new IDE infrastructure. The tool SiFive selected was SuperTest from Solid Sands.

SiFiveJan 17, 2022

Deep Vision Adopts SiFive RISC-V to Add OpenCV-Enabled AI Support

Deep Vision licenses SiFive Intelligence X280 processor to deliver greater flexibility and AI inference pre-processing for many markets



DigiTimesJun 22, 2022

SiFive Enhances Popular Intelligence X280 Processor

Article highlights rapid adoption and recent improvements made to SiFive Intelligence X280 processor.

Electronics WeeklyJun 22, 2022

SiFive Intelligence Processor Gets Smarter

SiFive has released the latest version of its SiFive Intelligence X280 processor, which introduces new features including scalability up to a 16-core cache-coherent complex, WorldGuard trusted protection, and an interface allowing for integration between the X280 vector unit and customer-designed external AI accelerators or other coprocessors, called VCIX (Vector Coprocessor Interface eXtension).

EEWebApr 29, 2022

The New Era of Design Freedom Enabled by RISC-V

Over the past few years, supply chain issues have shaken up the chip industry and have reinforced how important it is to have a competitive market for IP and silicon that isn’t controlled by any one company or country. That’s why we’re seeing a strong push from many regions to boost their domestic semiconductor industries, from the European Chips Act to the America Competes Act to India’s Atmanirbhar Bharat campaign. The open RISC-V architecture is playing a central role in these strategies by giving everyone an opportunity to innovate and compete.

EE TimesApr 20, 2022

SiFive and BrainChip Partner to Demo IP Compatibility

SiFive and BrainChip have partnered to show their IP is compatible in SoC designs for embedded artificial intelligence (AI). The companies have demonstrated BrainChip’s neuromorphic processing unit (NPU) IP working alongside SiFive’s RISC–V host processor IP.

VentureBeatApr 5, 2022

BrainChip, SiFive Partner to Bring AI and ML to Edge Computing

AI processor maker BrainChip, which makes ultra-low-power neuromorphic chips and supporting software, and SiFive, founder of the RISC-V computing genre, today announced they have combined their respective technologies to offer chip designers optimized artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for edge computing.

EE TimesMar 16, 2022

SiFive Raises $175M To Quicken ‘Arm Intercept’ Strategy

SiFive has raised $175 million in a series F funding round aimed at accelerating its processor roadmap and strengthen its position in the market against Arm. The investment puts the company valuation at over $2.5 billion, and in a position to prepare itself for an initial public offering (IPO) next year.

The RegisterMar 16, 2022

SiFive bags $175m to further challenge Arm with RISC-V

SiFive is pulling in nearly $400m in funding this year between a new investment round and the proceeds of a business sale with the ambitious mission of eclipsing rival Arm – and the x86 world of Intel and AMD – with processor designs for everything from smartphones to servers.

The InformationMar 16, 2022

SiFive raises $175 million at $2.5 billion valuation

Semiconductor startup SiFive said Wednesday that it has raised $175 million in a Series F funding round at a $2.5 billion post-money valuation. SiFive is the biggest startup centered around RISC-V, an open-source semiconductor technology that competes with Arm Ltd in supplying an underlying framework of chips called an instruction set architecture.

ForbesMar 16, 2022

SiFive Lands $175M Financing

SiFive, Inc., today announced it has raised $175 million in a Series F financing round, valuing the RISC-V company at over $2.5 billion. The Series F round was led by Coatue Management. SiFive intends to use the funds to accelerate the development of the company’s RISC-V products, future roadmap, and develop the ecosystem for the open-source Arm challenger. Intel Capital, Sutter Hill, SK Hynix Inc., and Qualcomm Ventures are also investors. The company has now raised over $350M in capital.

siliconANGLEMar 16, 2022

Arm rival SiFive raises $175M to accelerate development of its alternative RISC-V chip architecture

SiFive Inc., a computer chip startup that’s developing processor technology based on the open-source RISC-V instruction set architecture, said today it has raised a hefty $175 million in a late-stage round of funding.

VentureBeatMar 16, 2022

RISC-V chip designer SiFive raises $175M at a $2.5 billion valuation

Chip design firm SiFive has raised $175 million at a $2.5 billion as RISC-V emerges as an alternative processor architecture. The funding comes at a time when RISC-V is showing greater momentum as an alternative processor architecture to those run by Intel/AMD and Arm.

Silicon Valley Business JournalMar 16, 2022

SiFive just raised $175M in new funding. Its CEO says the failed Nvidia-Arm deal boosted its business

Nvidia's attempt to buy Arm scared many in the chip industry. That's been a boon to SiFive...

BloombergMar 16, 2022

Chip Designer SiFive Raises $175 Million, Setting Stage for IPO

Chip startup SiFive Inc. raised $175 million from investors such as Intel Corp. and Qualcomm Inc., giving it enough funding to work toward going public.

ReutersMar 16, 2022

RISC-V chip technology firm SiFive raises $175 mln, valued at $2.5 bln

SiFive, Inc., a RISC-V chip technology startup in Silicon Valley, said on Wednesday it raised $175 million in its latest round of funding and is now valued at $2.5 billion.

ProtocolMar 16, 2022

SiFive raises $175 million in bid to unseat Arm with RISC-V

The new funding, which values SiFive at $2.5 billion, was designed to help the company establish RISC-V as a real option in the market for third-party chip designs dominated by Arm.

CRNFeb 3, 2022

The 10 Hottest Semiconductor Companies To Watch In 2022

This group of semiconductor giants and chip startups are poised to make big waves in 2022 between new products, merger and acquisition deals and other newsworthy events. As Arm’s future stewardship has become increasingly uncertain, SiFive has risen as an alternative chip designer for companies that want to make their own processors. The main differentiator for SiFive: its use of the free and open RISC-V instruction set architecture.